Wednesday, February 10, 2016


 I was looking back on some old photos of the adventures that I have had in the past years, and I found some pretty good low quality pictures of some high quality times. 

Every summer we go out to my uncles ranch to help with the annual cattle roundup. This is by far one of my favorite family activities.  We go and "round up" the cattle that have been grazing on the mountain all summer and bring them in for the winter. While we usually use horses for the actual "roundup" I'm not gonna say we didn't waste some time going illegal speeds on the mountains dirt roads. And can we just take a moment to recognize that I have a pink cowboy hat in these pictures. I want that. Right now.

I think I didn't realize that there was a date/time stamp

Look how artistic this picture is :)

Whoever let me drive this boat was insane. I'm pretty sure I ran over like 75 ducks...

Tubing was pretty dang fun tho.

So I was in this play. I was Mulan. Note to self. Don't ever dye your hair black... :/

 Although these pictures aren't perfect, and I have Hurricane Hannah hair, the summer of 2012 made some of the greatest memories.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Life as I know it

I'm going to tell you about my life in this post, so if you want to know all about me read on. If you get bored out of your mind with these posts (like me ;)) then feel no obligation to read this and skip this post all together. Alright. I was born and raised in Utah. I am the youngest of thirteen children. No my parents were not polygamists. All were natural babies except one who we adopted. I'm a member of the LDS church. Now I know what you are probably thinking...the question that everyone asks "Camilla, what was it like being the youngest of so many children?" Actually you probably weren't thinking that but I'm going to tell you anyway. As a little child I hated it. I was not spoiled (Actually I was) I thought that all my siblings hated me and I was always feeling sorry for myself and all that. But now that I'm older and wiser (lol) I realize that I actually had a freaking good family life. Christmases at our house beat any other celebrations that anyone has ever had. If I could re live any moment in my life, it would probably be those carefree days of my childhood. I was home schooled as a child. I was expelled from the first Junior High I went to. Then I was home schooled again. I had  have a problem with rules. The real reason rules are there are to break them. If I'm not the one making the rules (for myself...I don't care what other people do, I'm not a crazy power hungry future Hitler) I have a really hard time following them. Now before you all start freaking out and telling me that rules are there for my own good and all that ish, I know that, I just believe that people can be taught in a way that you can trust them to make their own rules. Of course there is a need for basic rules and guidelines in a time and a place. But when people are so controlling and they have a rule for literally. everything. it just kills me. Okay we're done with that rant.  I am the favorite aunt of 15 nieces and nephews. They all love me because I'm awesome. And that's all I'm going to write for now because I am so sick.


New Beginnings

So...previous to this post, this blog has been used mostly for my literary arts class. The posts have been pretty dang cheesy and they make me want to hide under a rock. However, I am going to leave them on because they are a little bit like journal entries and I know that someday I will want to look back and laugh at them. Anyways from here on out I am going to dedicate this blog to everything that I would want to do but was too scared to do previously. It will be the place to get out of my comfort zone a little bit and experiment with some things. I am decidedly not a writer so bear with me while we try to make sense of the future posts. I don't think anyone actually reads this anymore, so this will kind of be my journal. I will not use any real names in the stories I tell just in case I get famous and have some embarrassing confrontations to deal with. So without further ado let me tell ya'll about the stories I have to tell...

                                                                       ♥/ Camilla

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

So I went on a drive up the mountain with some friends and I decided that it was too pretty not to take pictures :) and by the way...these were all taken while we were driving so they are a little blurry :)

This reindeer is more fabulous than you

So Anyways...


Monday, November 3, 2014

An Old Story

I wrote this story a while ago (after I read The Hiding Place) and I thought I would post it on here just for fun... :)

The Secret Room

I woke up and heard scuffling noises outside the door. The closely packed bodies around me

triggered my claustrophobia instantly and I kept my breathing shallow to avoid the pungent smell

that was caused from the people who hadn't bathed in weeks. The raids were

happening more and more often as more officers became suspicious of the amount of ration

cards being used under the name Berta Meyer and would keep close watch on the little bakery.

This is why no one had been able to bathe for the few weeks that had slowly

passed and the soldiers had shown no sign of leaving their posts. The room was small and was

not exactly what you would call comfortable living quarters. There was a small shelf in the

corner and on it rested a little package of hardtack and what had been left of the previous meal.

There was a bottle of vitamins on the side of the shelf and they were only to be used in the most

desperate emergencies. I was a Jewish girl of 15 years and I had been forced to flee when the

Germans came and took away my family along with the family who had been helping us. I had

been directed by the man who came and found me to go to Tournai Street and walk behind the

tightly packed houses until I saw the Meyer bakery. The shuffling and shouts continued as I

shivered, despite the heat, in the farthest corner of the room. What was all the noise outside? Had

the secret been discovered? Worry gnawed at my stomach and I felt as if I was going to be sick.

Finally I heard five taps on the wall outside, two short three long, the signal that all was well and

it was time for the morning meal. The slat in the wall that we used as a door opened and I heard

rifle shots. One, two three. I waited as sweat began to wet my brow. “Father in Heaven”, I

whispered, “Protect us from these cruel people.” I listened for more rifle shots and all of a

sudden I was looking into two eyes. They were cold and harsh, but in them I could see a poor

broken spirit who was only doing what he did because it had been constantly beaten into his head

through all the years of his childhood. The young man scanned the interior of the room and I

watched as the other soldiers evacuated the other Jews but their eyes seemed to pass right over

me. They took the bottle of vitamins and the package of hardtack, dumped the remaining

water in the pitcher on the floor and threw the small glass plates onto the ground, shattering

them. One of the shards of glass flew past my face slicing my cheek in the process. I cried out

and clamped a hand over my mouth as blood trickled down my face. The soldier looked into the

room, confused, then shook his head and walked off. The shuffling and shouting

continued as I wondered why they had taken the others and not me. What was to become of me?

It became quiet after about twenty minutes of the shuffling feet, the shouting German officers

and the wailing of the others who they had taken prisoner. I heard doors slamming and the sound

of motor cars die away into the distance and then silence. Silence. Was that good or bad? Should

I stay in the little space that somehow had seemed to be invisible to the soldiers? I stayed there

for what must have been a whole day and long into the next. The stifling air became unbearable

and my hunger could no longer be ignored. I was about to step over to the door when a vision

came to me. I saw myself in the various hiding places around Tournai preaching to the sad and

weary people a message of hope, telling them of the amazing miracle that had occurred in the

little Meyer Bakery. “Heavenly Father,” I prayed “I see now why you allowed me to be saved

and I will fulfil my responsibility no matter the cost.” I sat there in awe as I realized what this

meant. I stepped out of the room and my journey began.

P.S. this did not actually happen (as far as I know )

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


1st draft: She looked down, tears streaming down her face as she watched him fall. He was dying and it was all her fault.

Revised draft:
She knew there wasn't anything she could do. They were both about to die and it was all her fault. "you know, If you think about it, its really just like a hot tub." she said trying not to scream as the rope lowered her closer and closer to the boiling oil. "No I think this is better." he replied "I hear its very good for your skin." "Oh but it will ruin my pedicure!" she replied as she leaned over to give him one last kiss before they were both boiled alive. "Alright that will be enough for today." said the director. "blechhgh." said Stella as she went to wash out her mouth. "why did he of ALL people have to be cast as the prince?"

There ya have it ;)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Just a pic or two

So  I am doing this photography class and this week the assignment was to just play around with the camera (FUN!!) so I took a few pictures and I thought I would post them on here :) (and just fyi I am still a beginning photographer so these aren't perfect...)

The White Balance was messed up on this one, but it is still a cute pic.

same with this one...